
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Zimbabwe

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Zimbabwe is a network comprising of civil society organisations working with smallholder farmers to upscale participatory ecological land use management practices in Zimbabwe. PELUM Zimbabwe was founded in 1995 and is a member of the PELUM Association which operates in 12 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa. The PELUM Association’s work is underpinned by Agroecological principles.


Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training (PORET)

Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training (PORET) is a grassroot based participatory project trust that works with poor rural communities to address hunger, malnutrition and poverty. PORET’s aim is to support the farmers in the low rainfall area of Chimanimani District in adopting techniques and skills which are essential for them, their families and the whole area to survive and attain a sustainable, productive and healthy life styles.

Website: www.poret.org

Towards Sustainable Use of Resources Organisation (TSURO)

Towards Sustainable Use of Resources Organisation (TSURO) is a Zimbabwean community-based organization operating in the eastern district of Chimanimani. TSURO works towards a vision of empowered, peaceful and united small farming communities with well-sustained natural resources, healthy and food secure people with productive food processing and marketing initiatives. TSURO works to empower the communities of Chimanimani District to improve their livelihoods and relationships through programmes in sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, community health, agro-processing, and marketing.

Zimbabwe Small Holder Organic Farmers’ Forum (ZIMSOFF)

Zimbabwe Small Holder Organic Farmers’ Forum (ZIMSOFF) is the voice of the peasants struggling for social justice in Zimbabwe that envisions improved livelihoods of organized and empowered smallholder farmers practicing sustainable and viable ecological agriculture. ZIMSOFF is campaigning to influence policies and public awareness towards agroecology and smallholder farmers’ rights on access to healthy soils, clean water and local seed.