Introductory Webinars to Agroecology


Know more about Agroecology


A series of Free Introductory Webinars on Agroecology

Have you come across Agroecology within the framework of your work as an agricultural practitioner and/or a food activist, and would be interested in taking a course to learn more about it and become an Agroecology advocate in your professional context?

Or are you just a concerned citizen who would like to know more about how to contribute to a healthier food system and more respectful ways of treating the environment/our planet, and become an Agroecology advocate in your community?

This series of three Free Introductory Webinars on ‘What is Agroecology?’ hosted by SKI partners between October and December 2020 is for you.

The Intro Webinars
In July 2021 the Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI) partners will be running a one-month in-depth course on Agroecology in the southern African region. Leading up to the course we are hosting the following three INTRODUCTORY WEBINARS:

Webinar one (October 22): Why Agroecology? What Agroecology means and covers. Sharing some examples; an overview of the course in July 2021.

Webinar two (November 12): Understanding Agroecology as a science and a practice; putting Agroecology principles into practice on the land. Sharing examples.

Webinar three (December 3): Agroecology as a social movement aiming to transform food and farming systems. Understanding social movements and sharing examples. Discussion of application procedure for the course in 2021.

Each webinar will be interactive and about 2.5 hour long, from 12:00 to 14:30 pm, with ‘home work’ in between’ for participants to start experimenting, applying and/or reflecting on the knowledge discussed during the webinar in their life.

Target audience:

This series of introductory webinars aims at the following audience in southern Africa (and beyond):

  • agricultural practitioners;
  • food activists;
  • farmer leaders;
  • anyone else who may have heard about AE and would like to know more about how to contribute to a healthier food system and environment, and become an Agroecology advocate in their community.

What to expect from each webinar:

  • Short presentations on key topics from the SKI partner team
  • Video snippets of main practices from SKI partners working in the field with farmers
  • Pre-recorded sharing from guest speakers/specialists
  • Brainstorming and debates sessions amongst participants
  • An opportunity to raise questions you may have about Agroecology

What you will get from each webinar (we hope):

>> A good understanding of the context, the historical roots, the justification, the pillars (science, practice, social movement) of Agroecology

>> The inspiration to apply the knowledge, i.e start ‘walking the talk’, as well as advocate for Agroecology in your community or work context

… and the inspiration to continue learning more about it!


For the 3 free introductory webinars on Agroecology

Closing date for registration: 19 October 2020

Please note that there will be limited spots for ZOOM participants who will be able to interact directly with the presenters and participate in break-away sessions. However, there will also be live streaming on the SKI YouTube Channel.

The SKI 1-month AE co-learning programme

Why this course?

The overall purpose of the SKI 1-month in-residence Agroecology course will be to strengthen the knowledge, skills and mindset of Agroecology activists towards them playing a greater leadership role in the Agroecology movement in southern Africa.

In SKI, we believe that transitioning to Agroecology has the potential to sustainably feed a growing population with nutritious food while regenerating the environment,making smallholder farmers resilient and empowering them towards food sovereignty.

There is an urgency to move away from the industrialised, corporate-controlled food system that is dangerously impacting both our health and the environment, including through significantly contributing to climate change. The current system also makes smallholder farmers vulnerable to external shocks, further jeopardizing their food security and livelihoods, locking them in a vicious cycle of poverty.

What to expect from this course?

Some of the principles this course was designed around include the following:

  • Make it a strongly experiential learning experience, towards shifting and deepening people’s mindsets and approach to life;
  • A co-learning approach that will respect the knowledge and experience that participants bring to the learning programme, but also encourage participants to take full responsibility for their own learning through a varied programme with lots of practical activities;
  • Weave in wherever possible the social movement dimension of Agroecology;
  • Ensure a balanced emphasis in the content and process on drawing on different sources of knowledge, in particular traditional/indigenous wisdom and local knowledge along with cutting-edge scientific knowledge.

Ensure a balanced emphasis in the content and process on drawing on different sources of knowledge, in particular traditional/indigenous wisdom and local knowledge along with cutting-edge scientific knowledge.
To ensure a strong linkage to communities, farmers and reality on the ground,some of the course curriculum will take place in farming communities in the region, which SKI partners work with.

The one-month course will be split into 2 sessions, with an assignment to work on in between.

Who will run the course?

The course will be run by a team of experienced Agroecology farmers, practitioners and promoters drawn from the SKI partnership, which comprises of a variety of organisations with complementary areas of expertise and long standing experience.

How to apply?

To apply for the course, it is recommended to have attended or later watched on the SKI YouTube Channel the three introductory webinars we are lining up between October and December 2020.

Application for the course will start in March 2021.

Scholarships will be available for a limited number of participants based on application process.

For more information on the one-month in-residence course, please send an email to